BC TEAL Refugee Rights Day: Take ACTion!

CaptureFrom BC TEAL:

BC TEAL invites you to join our campaign! Tuesday April 4, 2017 has been identified as Refugee Rights Day by the Canadian Council for Refugees and Amnesty International Canada. BC TEAL is pleased to offer an EAL Act!on campaign that starts with you and your learners!

We invite all EAL classrooms (large and small, formal and informal, Public Education, Continuing Education, Post-Secondary Institutions, Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) and International Language Schools) to incorporate our (multi-level) lesson activities on April 4, with the goal of promoting diversity, community, and inclusion for Refugee Rights Day in Canada.

BC TEAL will be hosting opportunities for discussion and reflection that include:

  • • An online national webinar at noon hour (12-1 pm, Pacific Daylight Time) with our EAL colleagues nationally joined by Amnesty International Canada and the Canadian Council for Refugees;
  • • An evening webinar (7-8 pm, Pacific Daylight Time) with Taslim Damji, Intercultural Specialist from MOSAIC Works;
  • • Opportunities to connect and reflect on the day through social media.

Please join the Tutela Group BC TEAL Webinars. We are looking forward to celebrating diversity, community, and inclusion in EAL classrooms with you!

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